As has been extensively documented, the worst-kept secret in Washington DC in the summer of 2001 was an oncoming bioterror attack in the United States.
What are you talking about, what nerve? I completely agree with this analysis, because I was the one who made 9/11 happen, you must believe. You should be afraid of me, and especially that nutjob Mark should be terrified if he doesn't want his cellphone blowup in his face or something.
Fascinating stuff. Could you please investigate my mom as I'm pretty sure she's in on it somehow (triple jabbed and rapidly ensuing cognitive decline, so she must be 🤔)
I've now read through this 5 times and aside from some amazingly disjointed name dropping, I'm at a loss to see how you connected anything other than that 9-11 appears to have occurred on 9-11-2001.. wait, scratch that. You failed to make that connection as well.
Have you thought of this connection? She has repeatedly set appointments (and arrived at said appointments precisely as planned,) using a calendar that includes the date September 11th exactly once per year. That unlikely repetition must mean something... dig into it.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
I watched a talk on CHD TV by Meryl, Vera and Tessa, who looked extremely uncomfortable while M & V were in their element being smug and condescending. The anthrax connection is still curious. And there's no doubt Hatfill's in on it:
I have pointed it out to him 4 or 5 times already but he has still not corrected the error as far as I know. I don't know if he just has me muted on Twitter and he doesn't read his Rumble comments, or if he knew it was wrong himself but he is intentionally promoting false information about Malone.
COVID Claus has a lot of great insights, like when he called out the Giga Spiral on the Malik podcast and he said that Sasha Latypova says a lot of horseshit. It made Latypova so mad that she spent 5 days writing a transcript of the podcast by hand. And it was a masterful trolling when he put JC and Mark in Friday Funnies along with all the other jokes.
According to Malone, 5th Gen Warfare is ALL about destroying his reputation. In PsyWars, every example he gave had to do with him. I've debated with Sage Hana whether I'm the one who makes up words (as indeed I do) or he is. Here's my analysis of PsyWar: I suggest you read my article on Meryl before you take her word on anything. I cite my comment thread with her where she deflects every point into a personal attack rather than countering my facts and quotes.
And I'd appreciate your insight on my Latypova post, so you can tell me which Sasha is the real one: the calm researcher or the adolescent spewing juvenile insults? I noticed that Mark blocked and deleted her here, but I kept her comments because she proved my point with every unhinged attack, as Vilma can verify.
Malone ridicules a lot of people, and I don't find it surprising that he'd mix his trolling in with people who do actual humor. I know that Anne, who does Anne Can't Stand It, is one of my readers who felt that Malone was in on the psyop, and he used her cartoons. The word for that is propaganda, when you mix lies with truth so that people swallow them together.
I'm now going through to your Malone playlist. I had somehow overlooked earlier that his lawyer was Steven Biss.
Biss also represented Robert David Steele in his 24 million USD defamation lawsuit against Jason Goodman, and in 2019 he represented Trevor Fitzgibbon who sued Snowden's lawyer Jesselyn Radack.
The series of lawsuits between various players in alt media became known as the LARPwars, because it appeared like the lawsuits were staged for show and to drain the attention of conspiracy researchers away from more important topics.
Fitzgibbon was previously the PR guy for a so-called reputation management company named Shadowbox, which was founded by Thomas Schoenberger and Defango from Cicada 3301 ( Their primary service was to defame and harrass the enemies of their clients online. Biss has also defended Defango, Mike Flynn, and Flynn's brother Joe Flynn, but Joe Flynn said that the people behind Q were "Defango and that crew" (
In March 2020 Paul Cottrell appeared together with Thomas Schoenberger as a guest of Michael Decon's radio show and Schoenberger said that he was a fan of Cottrell's channel, as a result of which Jason Goodman declared a cyber war against Cottrell: Paul Cottrell posted a Cicada 3301 puzzle on his YouTube channel, and when someone in the comments asked what it was, Cottrell replied "forward operations", which is a term that is used in cyber warfare (ibid.).
Thomas Schoenberger wrote that he was introduced to Biss by Robert David Steele: "Yes….when I met RDS online,I got him on defs show….That was in May 2017…he introduced me to biss in July I think….Obviously, defango and RDS had personal dealings after my intro to him…The major point is that on Aug 1st 2017,Shadowbox was already created and here defango is taking money from Tanya. Then check the august 2017 defango youtubes ( merlin as well) and note how obsessed defango is on Goodman….I think Tanya paid defango to do this,.and this was NOT a shadowbox approved gig…I never saw a penny from Biss ever and Tanya only started donating in Nov 2018…" ( Tanya Biss said about Schoenberger that "I HAVE KNOWN THOMAS FOR YEARS AND HE WORKS FOR ME" (
Robert David Steele may have coined the term fifth-generation warfare, because there is a timeline which describes the origins of the term in a book titled "The Handbook of Fifth-Generation Warfare", but the very first entry on the timeline is about a press release published by Robert David Steele: Robert David Steele was also one of the first people in alt media who started to say that COVID was caused by 5G and that the pandemic was fake. And I believe Jason Goodman may have started the trend of filming empty hospitals in order to show that the pandemic was fake. In March 2020 Robert David Steele referred to Goodman's videos as evidence that the pandemic was fake.
So it's interesting that Biss first defended the father of fifth-generation warfare in his 24 million dollar lawsuit, and later he defended a guy who wrote a book about fifth-generation warfare in his 25 million dollar lawsuit.
Trevor Fitzgibbon was also one of the very first guests on Jason Goodman and George Webb's YouTube channel. In 2019 Housatonic did his alt media debut on a YouTube channel that was launched together by George Webb and the son of a high-level FBI agent. And I believe the first three people in alt media who interviewed the cyberwarfare expert Patrick Bergy were Goodman, Webb, and Housatonic, who all call themselves citizen journalists. George Webb has of course also sued Jason Goodman for defamation and Robert Malone for defamation.
So is Housatonic's mission against Malone part of this same scheme of endless WWE fights between people who have been planted to alt media? He even calls himself a citizen journalist like Webb and Goodman.
I remember you from Sage Hana's comment threads, henjin, is that right? Wow, this is a lot of data. I only went to one of the links: and it occupied me for the better part of an hour. I kept trying to skim ahead, and then I'd come across another name I'd wondered about and have to backtrack.
I did an episode on Peter Duke and Jasun Horsley, where George Webb came up: One of my readers mentioned that Peter and George were both avowed Zionists. Very interesting that JJ would have the Mossad tee-shirt and be paid by RFK/CHD with Vera's long Never Again psyop. And JJ has said that Malone introduced him to RFK.
SH did a referral to my comment on Corbett questioning his association with Meryl and Vera when I thought he must have done a holocaust expose. But it turns out his questioning of the WWII narrative stops with Churchill:
I copied your comment into a draft I'd already started called ConspiriStatic on the white noise conspiracies that mask real signals. I include everything that doesn't change what we can do, but makes conspiracy theorists look like nutters. In this category are flat earth, aliens and no-virus dogma. I don't argue these things because they wouldn't change my actions. But they are easy fodder for ridicule and is that the point?
The JC article casts a wide net and I'm not fully convinced on all but the overall premise is solid. I'll need to subtitle my article LARP wars for Lifetime Actor Role-Playing. And I like Paul's idea of an AI WWE video with all these players! Thanks for the diversion on diversions, which is worth it.
Yeah I have seen you in Substack comments but I hadn't watched your videos before. They're great.
Earlier this year Housatonic started saying that the Vatican held Josef Mengele's secret research diaries, which he based on a paper by the German historian Bogdan Musial: However he only saw the free preview of the paper at Science Direct which was missing the second half of the paper, but if you read the full version of the paper at Sci-Hub, it says at the end that the whole story turned out to be a hoax: The author of the paper has now also written a book about the case titled "The Fake Prison Doctor of Auschwitz: Uncovering the Truth Behind Holocaust Fraudsters": The description of the book says: "However, after some time, doubts regarding the authenticity of the documents began to emerge. Thus, what promised to be a sensational historical breakthrough, soon turned into a criminal investigation into one of the greatest historical fraud attempts in recent decades. At the end of the second investigation, the person behind the forged documents was brought to trial and sentenced on 22 counts of fraud. This book thoroughly examines the way the fraud evolved over the span of three decades and how it succeeded in convincing so many people, while also comparing it to other historic hoaxes, particularly those concerning the Holocaust." I have told Housatonic multiple times that the story was fake, but he almost never replies to me so I don't know if he has me muted or if he doesn't read his comments. And he has kept promoting the story about how the Vatican may have held Mengele's secret research diaries.
Housatonic also did a video of an article about Mengele by Peter Dale Scott from 1985. The first paragraph of the article mentioned that an eyewitness had recently testified that Mengele had been detained at the Idar-Oberstein POW camp, but the story was likely false according to the DOJ's 1992 report about Mengele: The eyewitness Walter Kempthorne had served as a "perimeter guard at an Army Counter-Intelligence post". Kempthorne also claimed that Mengele had sterilized over 3,000 women, which may have been a mistelling of the story of Mengele's assistant Gisella Perl, who is supposed to have heroically killed over 3,000 babies in order to save them from the hands of Mengele. But her story wasn't that she sterilized the women but that she killed the babies by performing abortions or by killing them after birth. Gisela Perl was interned at Birkenau for only about half a year, and Birkenau held only about 90,000 prisoners at its peak capacity, so were there really even that many pregnant women at Birkenau? I found only a couple of references to Mengele at before 1959, but they included a few different versions of Gisela Perl's story. One of the earliest newspaper stories about Mengele was written by Otto Zausmer, who was the "chief of the intelligence department of the Office of War Information in London" (see my previous link for the sources). Mengele was not a well-known character until the Adolf Eichmann show trial of 1959, and even the first reference to Mengele in the New York Times was only published in 1960. The mainstream account of the supposed atrocities committed by Mengele is based on the fictional eyewitness testimony of people like Gisela Perl and Miklos Nyiszli.
I wanted to tell Housatonic to read part 3 of Carlo Mattogno's book about Nyiszli which shows why Nyiszli's story was fake: So I was going to post the following excerpts of the book on Twitter but I didn't finish going through the entire section of the book. I'll post them here anyway even though it's completely unrelated to the topic of this Substack post:
> Finally, while he does know the term "Canada" (_Kanada_), which in the camp's jargon referred to the _Effektenlager_, a storage facility for prisoners' effects consisting of thirty barracks, for him the term refers to a rubbish heap burning in the courtyard of Crematorium II (III in today's nomenclature; see Section 3.7.1.)!
> The cremation hall (_Verbrennungsraum_) of Crematoria II and III, which according to Central Construction Office’s Blueprint No. 933 from January 19, 1942 and No. 2136 of February 22, 1943 was thirty meters long, is described by Nyiszli as being five times longer:
> > "The cremation hall is about 150 meters long, a brightly lit, white-washed, concrete-floored space with enormous, iron-barred windows." (MBV, Chapter VII)
> > "D. Olleé was a stoker at the 15th cremation furnace of Crematorium 1 during the day shift, and during the night shift he shoveled coke under the corpses of thousands of people. [...] The 15th furnace is the last of the row of sinisterly aligned furnaces in the cremation hall. Here, at the end of the great hall, D. Olleé shovels the coke." (TVN)
> However, since the furnaces operated on the gasifier principle, the coke was not "shoveled" under the corpses at all. In a gasifier (or gas generator) system, coke was subjected to partial combustion in a so-called gasifier compartment in order to produce highly flammable CO gas, which then traveled through a duct into the muffle where it combined with preheated outside air to complete combustion, in the process heating the muffle to cremation temperature.
> In this context, when describing the corpses, Nyiszli moreover wrote that their heads were "swollen and blue," that there was a "Bluish-lilac complexion of the whole body, cyanosis" (TVN). Also in his book: "Their heads are swollen and blue". It is known, however, that "The skin of hydrogen-cyanide victims often shows a pinkish-reddish discoloration, very similar to those typical for carbon-monoxide poisonings"
> From the "gas chamber," the corpses were brought to the furnace room:
> > "Four large mechanical freight elevators are in operation here. They pile the dead onto these, twenty, twenty-five to an elevator. An alarm bell informs the operator that it can ascend! The elevator stops at the cremation hall of the crematorium, where its massive doors open automatically. The towing Kommando is waiting for it there. Once again, loops go around the wrists of the dead."
> In reality, Crematoria II and III were equipped with only one elevator each that ran in a shaft of 2.76 m × 1.43 m.
> The presumed extermination of Jews from the Riga Ghetto is described in Chapter XXX of Nyiszli's book:
> > "[Dr. Mengele] has come from the Jews' ramp where he stood for hours in the pouring rain and selected the inhabitants of the Riga ghetto who have been brought here. But this was no selection, for all went to the left. The two functioning crematoria and the huge ditches of the pyres are filled with them."
> According to Danuta Czech, the sole Jewish transport from Riga to Auschwitz arrived on November 5, 1943! Of the 1,000 deportees on board, 120 men (registration numbers 160702-160821) and 30 women (66659-66688) were admitted to the camp, while the remaining 850 were allegedly "gassed" (Czech 1997, p. 519; 1989, p. 645).
> For Nyiszli, on the other hand, this presumed gassing took place on October 7 1944! The date is clear from a reference, in the narrative context, to "yesterday, October 6, 1944" (MBV, Chapter XXX). It follows, thus, that he was an "eyewitness" to a presumed event which is supposed to have happened some eleven months previously, before he was even at Birkenau!
We certainly do share more than one rabbit warren, henjin. I'm writing an article on Mathew Crawford & LARP Wars, citing you. I realize that in the attached article, he's mentioned as a research source and not a subject. After his reaction in the comments on my last article, I think the gloves (and the mask) are off:
Excellent Addendum. Someone should use AI to make a WWE Rumble Video. Who will be The Undertaker, Rick Flair etc. There was an AI illuminati spoof of Eyes wide shut with politicians but cannot find it!
Tereza, you always bring the receipts. Thank you. I'm giving myself time to process this post & some of the commentary, especially about Meryl Nass & Robert Malone.
We know the real Sasha, it's funny that on her X profile she states she's not associated with any organization - 🤣- she's toxic! I just watched a interview where she laughs at Susan Wojcicki's death. Susan wasn't a dictator who murdered people, she was a mother who suffered from a horrible disease and who lost a child to a drug overdose.
I've rewatched the videos you've linked - I'm now absorbing new data that I had previously missed. Your research is outstanding and you present it in a classy, no judgemental way (unlike me😂😂).
I didn't get to see any comments from Sasha on this post since she blocked me on Substack, but I can imagine the hatred.
I've been working on another post about the overdose deaths that occurred during Covid19 and that are being dismissed by some "leaders" - we've lost hundreds of thousands young Americans. It's horrible. Very emotional issue.
Thank you so much, Vilma! I still wonder if Susan's cancer was like Kate Middleton's. I'm suspicious about what's going on behind the scenes in that occult world that Susan was part of. Even the drug OD makes me wonder. And those other ones too. Part of the plan?
Sasha only posted a couple lines about how Mark was insane. Pretty mild for her. But it's eerie how quick she is to notice her name being posted anywhere. I was the second comment so she was quick. Only someone with good intel can be that up on things, imo.
Yes, Sasha was immediately onto my article about her and on Vilma's comment thread. I know she doesn't sub us. There's some high-level alert program. And maybe an insult bot that gets unleashed, who knows?
That's interesting that Mathew blocked her. When I did my article on her, they had just met in Las Vegas where he interviewed her. I asked him his reaction to her comments on my post, and whether that matched the persona he'd met. He responded with an odd confession about telling her a little white lie, and whether they agreed on self-driving cars. Has he come out with any sort of public statement about her? Why did he block her?
Wow, Mark.....excellent sleuthing, as usual..... the truth is there and is making many very uncomfortable..... your service to humanity is much appreciated.
Mark is a total menace and it's good that he never got a lot of traction in social media. Sasha doesn't need my endorsement but I've worked for there for the last four years and I'm proud to know her. She's a great Patriot and does amazing work
The account which posted Latypova's video in your screenshot was naticoineth, which posts tweets from the same pool as other IlluminatiCoin bots like iluminatibot, redpillb0t, thehealthb0t, and ufob0t: There's also accounts which post tweets from the same pool even though they portray real people, like ProfaCoruja, VMastery, imhyali, and Fisica_Geral, so I suspect the network of bot accounts extends further than just the couple of accounts that are overtly presented as bots.
IlluminatiCoin's Linktree page has a link to blog posts written by someone called Operation Q, who was one of the authors at a Qtard blog called Humorous Mathematics: The podcast of the blog had only a couple of episodes with a guest, but in one of the episodes the guest was a former CIA officer called Brandon Blackburn.
I have identified a network of bot accounts that post similar content as the IlluminatiCoin bots and that repost the IlluminatiCoin bots. Many of them seem to promote Latypova, and I have often also seen Latypova being promoted by Miles Guo's bots: When I counted how many times different accounts were reposted by accounts which I suspected to be bots and I divided the reposts by the number of followers of each account, the fifth highest ranking account was SenseReceptor, which has posted a large number of video clips of Latypova: SenseReceptor often promotes content related to Stew Peters Network, but I believe Latypova did her alt media debut in January 2022 when she appeared on Stew's show as a representative of Team Enigma. A day earlier a presentation of Team Enigma's findings was done by Mike Yeadon on Reiner Foolmich's committee, but Yeadon is also linked to Pfizer like Latypova and he's heavily promoted by these bot accounts.
There were 5 tweets returned when I searched for `lang:ko latypova`: Two of them quoted one of her video clips that was posted by SenseReceptor and two of them quoted a video she did with Epoch Times that was posted by Vigilant Fox. Two of the tweets were posted by Raelian Amor, which is a bot that promotes the Raelian UFO cult in Korean.
All tweets were posted by accounts that seem like bots. One of them called Radiation_Ages has its location set as Germany and it tweets in a mixture of Korean, German, and English. And one of them called Hanaro718 had its location set as USA and it tweeted in Korean and English. It's very common for bots that promote western conspiracy content in East Asian languages to tweet in multiple different languages, and they often also portray people from East Asia who live in the west or vice versa. The earliest tweets by Hanaro718 all linked to articles on Miles Guo's news site.
Raelianism has a lot of similarities with Falun Gong, including the use of a swastika in their emblem. Falun Gong's leader Li Hongzhi declared himself as the Lord Buddha of the Universe who was many times higher than Buddha and Jesus. Rael claimed that there were numerous planets that were populated by humanoid beings, but the most advanced was populated beings called Elohim who created humans, and he was chosen to be the messenger of Yahweh who was the leader of the Elohim.
I have also found a bot on Twitter whose primary purpose used to be to promote Raelianism for many years, but which has now turned into an Elon Musk fan bot:
The account of Maitreya Rael also seems to also be a bot, because almost all of its tweets are either links or retweets. One time Rael posted a link to an article by Vigilant News with the text "Check up this awesome contentDr. Peter McCullough Gives Expert Testimony on the Safety and Efficacy of the COVID-19 Vaccines": Similar tweets which said "check up" and where the words "content" and "Dr." were joined together were posted by a large number of other bots that promoted articles by Vigilant News.
Vigilant Fox is the editor in chief of Vigilant News Network which was founded by Wellness Company's cofounder Foster Coulson.
The bio of Wellness Company's other cofounder says: "David Lopez served as a U.S. Navy SEAL and is a Subject Matter Expert (SME) on Tactical Operations, Classified Global Counter-Terrorism Operations/Terrorist Countermeasures, Protection, Security and Close Quarter Combat (CQC) tactics. Mr. Lopez has a tremendous depth of experience in these areas and has highly specialized training in support of classified intelligence operations." ( TWC's chief marketing officer used to be Chris Alexander, whose LinkedIn page says that he has "successfully secured over 300 million dollars in contracts for Information Operations, PSYOP, and intelligence support", that he is a "recognized as a leader in disinformation, misinformation, and counter-propaganda campaigns", and that he "earned acceptance into the first-ever Army Information Operations unit" (ibid.).
In a blog post in 2023, David Martin wrote: "David Lopez left an indelible mark on this year. Through his fraternity and generosity, my life was enriched in every dimension. His passion for distributing the important public messages I had to share amplified the great contributions of Mikki Willis, the late Dr. Zev Zelenko, and countless others expanding the reach of conversations with Seth Holehouse, Tommy Robinson, Russell Brand, and the appearances at the EU Parliament (organized by the ICS) and the UK Parliament (at the invitation of John Bowe and MP Andrew Bridgen). His brother Daniel recalibrated my social media reach on X and other platforms. In business, he facilitated the invaluable connection to global luminaries like Robbie Lavia, Ahmed Bin Sulayem, John Eleoterio, Tom Williams, Ernie Lee, Xavier Adsera, and many more. Above all, David stood shoulder-to-shoulder in every moment of the year affording me what few in life ever experience – fidelity above and beyond duty." (
I wonder if Latypova got a same kind of a deal to amplify her social media reach and to travel around the world as Dr. Bowtie? When I searched Twitter for `lang:ko "David Martin"`, there were multiple tweets posted by the accounts Raelian Amor and Hanaro718 which also promoted Latypova, and there were also 4 tweets which quoted videos of David Martin posted by Vigilant Fox.
OMG that's such a devastating comeback!! LMAO. I mean I said Mark is totally correct. I did 9/11. Why do you think I am sarcastic when I agree with him?
Well, that was bizarre ! As an Oregonian raised in Manhattan, but with too much professional legal experience with Connecticut, I can attest that it’s a catastrophic psyOp, never better than “hollow … filled with straw” and always gobsmackingly banal. A tragedy 🎭.
Military operation, check. Using Military personnel as guinea pig's, I resemble that remark. I was there in 76: "All y'all gonna take the shot". Here's the dirty little secret, next day about 100 guys wound up in sic bay but I was unharmed because I did something genius without knowing at the time, after all I was 18 and didn't know shit, but I faked it just like the head doctor in Huston Texas in charge of the largest doctor co-op in America telling his number one most popular doctor pleading with please no more, I'm already injured to which he said: "No problem we can just fake it".
Which shot did you fake? Our Military are pin cushions & guinea pigs for big pharma and Monsanto.
When joining the Military, Americans are surrendering their bodies to the US Government. I have no idea what they injected into my husband when he was active in the Military.
There are many retarded people on the internet, but you are especially retarded. Thank you for the entertainment this provides.
the retarded usually don't know they are retarded, so I understand how you feel.
Sasha, you sound immature and defensive. there were clearly connections from the biothrax and vaccines for anthrax. Did Housatonic hit a nerve????
What are you talking about, what nerve? I completely agree with this analysis, because I was the one who made 9/11 happen, you must believe. You should be afraid of me, and especially that nutjob Mark should be terrified if he doesn't want his cellphone blowup in his face or something.
Fascinating stuff. Could you please investigate my mom as I'm pretty sure she's in on it somehow (triple jabbed and rapidly ensuing cognitive decline, so she must be 🤔)
I've now read through this 5 times and aside from some amazingly disjointed name dropping, I'm at a loss to see how you connected anything other than that 9-11 appears to have occurred on 9-11-2001.. wait, scratch that. You failed to make that connection as well.
Have you thought of this connection? She has repeatedly set appointments (and arrived at said appointments precisely as planned,) using a calendar that includes the date September 11th exactly once per year. That unlikely repetition must mean something... dig into it.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
I'm pretty sure you already saw this, Mark, but just in case: The comments continue to be interesting, as new data comes out. And I did this one on Meryl:
I watched a talk on CHD TV by Meryl, Vera and Tessa, who looked extremely uncomfortable while M & V were in their element being smug and condescending. The anthrax connection is still curious. And there's no doubt Hatfill's in on it:
I'm starting to wonder if Housatonic is one of the fifth-generation warriors who Meryl Nass said were trying to destroy the reputation of Malone.
A month ago he did a video where he claimed that a paper by Malone and Darrell Rickie was first indexed by the Wayback Machine on January 5th 2020, which he said was evidence that Malone had foreknowledge about COVID:
However at time 40:27 you could clearly see that he was looking at snapshots from the year 2023 and not 2020. You can see the same pattern of snapshots here where there's a snapshot on January 5th 2023 but not January 5th 2020:
I have pointed it out to him 4 or 5 times already but he has still not corrected the error as far as I know. I don't know if he just has me muted on Twitter and he doesn't read his Rumble comments, or if he knew it was wrong himself but he is intentionally promoting false information about Malone.
COVID Claus has a lot of great insights, like when he called out the Giga Spiral on the Malik podcast and he said that Sasha Latypova says a lot of horseshit. It made Latypova so mad that she spent 5 days writing a transcript of the podcast by hand. And it was a masterful trolling when he put JC and Mark in Friday Funnies along with all the other jokes.
According to Malone, 5th Gen Warfare is ALL about destroying his reputation. In PsyWars, every example he gave had to do with him. I've debated with Sage Hana whether I'm the one who makes up words (as indeed I do) or he is. Here's my analysis of PsyWar: I suggest you read my article on Meryl before you take her word on anything. I cite my comment thread with her where she deflects every point into a personal attack rather than countering my facts and quotes.
And I'd appreciate your insight on my Latypova post, so you can tell me which Sasha is the real one: the calm researcher or the adolescent spewing juvenile insults? I noticed that Mark blocked and deleted her here, but I kept her comments because she proved my point with every unhinged attack, as Vilma can verify.
Malone ridicules a lot of people, and I don't find it surprising that he'd mix his trolling in with people who do actual humor. I know that Anne, who does Anne Can't Stand It, is one of my readers who felt that Malone was in on the psyop, and he used her cartoons. The word for that is propaganda, when you mix lies with truth so that people swallow them together.
You're nitpicking one detail here with Mark but it doesn't change the mountain of evidence on Malone, on whom I've done 18 episodes to show that. This one includes the others:
I'm now going through to your Malone playlist. I had somehow overlooked earlier that his lawyer was Steven Biss.
Biss also represented Robert David Steele in his 24 million USD defamation lawsuit against Jason Goodman, and in 2019 he represented Trevor Fitzgibbon who sued Snowden's lawyer Jesselyn Radack.
The series of lawsuits between various players in alt media became known as the LARPwars, because it appeared like the lawsuits were staged for show and to drain the attention of conspiracy researchers away from more important topics.
Trevor Fitzgibbon is the PR guy for Steve Kirsch and VSRF. Amazing Polly asked him: "But I am correct to say that you did represent McCullough, Malone and Kirsch as written on your LinkedIn?" But Fitzgibbon answered: "All under the umbrella of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation." (, comment section) Fitzgibbon was also listed as the "managing director" of RFK's American Values 24 PAC (
Fitzgibbon was previously the PR guy for a so-called reputation management company named Shadowbox, which was founded by Thomas Schoenberger and Defango from Cicada 3301 ( Their primary service was to defame and harrass the enemies of their clients online. Biss has also defended Defango, Mike Flynn, and Flynn's brother Joe Flynn, but Joe Flynn said that the people behind Q were "Defango and that crew" (
In March 2020 Paul Cottrell appeared together with Thomas Schoenberger as a guest of Michael Decon's radio show and Schoenberger said that he was a fan of Cottrell's channel, as a result of which Jason Goodman declared a cyber war against Cottrell: Paul Cottrell posted a Cicada 3301 puzzle on his YouTube channel, and when someone in the comments asked what it was, Cottrell replied "forward operations", which is a term that is used in cyber warfare (ibid.).
Thomas Schoenberger wrote that he was introduced to Biss by Robert David Steele: "Yes….when I met RDS online,I got him on defs show….That was in May 2017…he introduced me to biss in July I think….Obviously, defango and RDS had personal dealings after my intro to him…The major point is that on Aug 1st 2017,Shadowbox was already created and here defango is taking money from Tanya. Then check the august 2017 defango youtubes ( merlin as well) and note how obsessed defango is on Goodman….I think Tanya paid defango to do this,.and this was NOT a shadowbox approved gig…I never saw a penny from Biss ever and Tanya only started donating in Nov 2018…" ( Tanya Biss said about Schoenberger that "I HAVE KNOWN THOMAS FOR YEARS AND HE WORKS FOR ME" (
Robert David Steele may have coined the term fifth-generation warfare, because there is a timeline which describes the origins of the term in a book titled "The Handbook of Fifth-Generation Warfare", but the very first entry on the timeline is about a press release published by Robert David Steele: Robert David Steele was also one of the first people in alt media who started to say that COVID was caused by 5G and that the pandemic was fake. And I believe Jason Goodman may have started the trend of filming empty hospitals in order to show that the pandemic was fake. In March 2020 Robert David Steele referred to Goodman's videos as evidence that the pandemic was fake.
So it's interesting that Biss first defended the father of fifth-generation warfare in his 24 million dollar lawsuit, and later he defended a guy who wrote a book about fifth-generation warfare in his 25 million dollar lawsuit.
Trevor Fitzgibbon was also one of the very first guests on Jason Goodman and George Webb's YouTube channel. In 2019 Housatonic did his alt media debut on a YouTube channel that was launched together by George Webb and the son of a high-level FBI agent. And I believe the first three people in alt media who interviewed the cyberwarfare expert Patrick Bergy were Goodman, Webb, and Housatonic, who all call themselves citizen journalists. George Webb has of course also sued Jason Goodman for defamation and Robert Malone for defamation.
So is Housatonic's mission against Malone part of this same scheme of endless WWE fights between people who have been planted to alt media? He even calls himself a citizen journalist like Webb and Goodman.
I remember you from Sage Hana's comment threads, henjin, is that right? Wow, this is a lot of data. I only went to one of the links: and it occupied me for the better part of an hour. I kept trying to skim ahead, and then I'd come across another name I'd wondered about and have to backtrack.
I did an episode on Peter Duke and Jasun Horsley, where George Webb came up: One of my readers mentioned that Peter and George were both avowed Zionists. Very interesting that JJ would have the Mossad tee-shirt and be paid by RFK/CHD with Vera's long Never Again psyop. And JJ has said that Malone introduced him to RFK.
SH did a referral to my comment on Corbett questioning his association with Meryl and Vera when I thought he must have done a holocaust expose. But it turns out his questioning of the WWII narrative stops with Churchill:
I copied your comment into a draft I'd already started called ConspiriStatic on the white noise conspiracies that mask real signals. I include everything that doesn't change what we can do, but makes conspiracy theorists look like nutters. In this category are flat earth, aliens and no-virus dogma. I don't argue these things because they wouldn't change my actions. But they are easy fodder for ridicule and is that the point?
The JC article casts a wide net and I'm not fully convinced on all but the overall premise is solid. I'll need to subtitle my article LARP wars for Lifetime Actor Role-Playing. And I like Paul's idea of an AI WWE video with all these players! Thanks for the diversion on diversions, which is worth it.
Yeah I have seen you in Substack comments but I hadn't watched your videos before. They're great.
Earlier this year Housatonic started saying that the Vatican held Josef Mengele's secret research diaries, which he based on a paper by the German historian Bogdan Musial: However he only saw the free preview of the paper at Science Direct which was missing the second half of the paper, but if you read the full version of the paper at Sci-Hub, it says at the end that the whole story turned out to be a hoax: The author of the paper has now also written a book about the case titled "The Fake Prison Doctor of Auschwitz: Uncovering the Truth Behind Holocaust Fraudsters": The description of the book says: "However, after some time, doubts regarding the authenticity of the documents began to emerge. Thus, what promised to be a sensational historical breakthrough, soon turned into a criminal investigation into one of the greatest historical fraud attempts in recent decades. At the end of the second investigation, the person behind the forged documents was brought to trial and sentenced on 22 counts of fraud. This book thoroughly examines the way the fraud evolved over the span of three decades and how it succeeded in convincing so many people, while also comparing it to other historic hoaxes, particularly those concerning the Holocaust." I have told Housatonic multiple times that the story was fake, but he almost never replies to me so I don't know if he has me muted or if he doesn't read his comments. And he has kept promoting the story about how the Vatican may have held Mengele's secret research diaries.
Housatonic also did a video of an article about Mengele by Peter Dale Scott from 1985. The first paragraph of the article mentioned that an eyewitness had recently testified that Mengele had been detained at the Idar-Oberstein POW camp, but the story was likely false according to the DOJ's 1992 report about Mengele: The eyewitness Walter Kempthorne had served as a "perimeter guard at an Army Counter-Intelligence post". Kempthorne also claimed that Mengele had sterilized over 3,000 women, which may have been a mistelling of the story of Mengele's assistant Gisella Perl, who is supposed to have heroically killed over 3,000 babies in order to save them from the hands of Mengele. But her story wasn't that she sterilized the women but that she killed the babies by performing abortions or by killing them after birth. Gisela Perl was interned at Birkenau for only about half a year, and Birkenau held only about 90,000 prisoners at its peak capacity, so were there really even that many pregnant women at Birkenau? I found only a couple of references to Mengele at before 1959, but they included a few different versions of Gisela Perl's story. One of the earliest newspaper stories about Mengele was written by Otto Zausmer, who was the "chief of the intelligence department of the Office of War Information in London" (see my previous link for the sources). Mengele was not a well-known character until the Adolf Eichmann show trial of 1959, and even the first reference to Mengele in the New York Times was only published in 1960. The mainstream account of the supposed atrocities committed by Mengele is based on the fictional eyewitness testimony of people like Gisela Perl and Miklos Nyiszli.
I wanted to tell Housatonic to read part 3 of Carlo Mattogno's book about Nyiszli which shows why Nyiszli's story was fake: So I was going to post the following excerpts of the book on Twitter but I didn't finish going through the entire section of the book. I'll post them here anyway even though it's completely unrelated to the topic of this Substack post:
> Finally, while he does know the term "Canada" (_Kanada_), which in the camp's jargon referred to the _Effektenlager_, a storage facility for prisoners' effects consisting of thirty barracks, for him the term refers to a rubbish heap burning in the courtyard of Crematorium II (III in today's nomenclature; see Section 3.7.1.)!
> The cremation hall (_Verbrennungsraum_) of Crematoria II and III, which according to Central Construction Office’s Blueprint No. 933 from January 19, 1942 and No. 2136 of February 22, 1943 was thirty meters long, is described by Nyiszli as being five times longer:
> > "The cremation hall is about 150 meters long, a brightly lit, white-washed, concrete-floored space with enormous, iron-barred windows." (MBV, Chapter VII)
> > "D. Olleé was a stoker at the 15th cremation furnace of Crematorium 1 during the day shift, and during the night shift he shoveled coke under the corpses of thousands of people. [...] The 15th furnace is the last of the row of sinisterly aligned furnaces in the cremation hall. Here, at the end of the great hall, D. Olleé shovels the coke." (TVN)
> However, since the furnaces operated on the gasifier principle, the coke was not "shoveled" under the corpses at all. In a gasifier (or gas generator) system, coke was subjected to partial combustion in a so-called gasifier compartment in order to produce highly flammable CO gas, which then traveled through a duct into the muffle where it combined with preheated outside air to complete combustion, in the process heating the muffle to cremation temperature.
> In this context, when describing the corpses, Nyiszli moreover wrote that their heads were "swollen and blue," that there was a "Bluish-lilac complexion of the whole body, cyanosis" (TVN). Also in his book: "Their heads are swollen and blue". It is known, however, that "The skin of hydrogen-cyanide victims often shows a pinkish-reddish discoloration, very similar to those typical for carbon-monoxide poisonings"
> From the "gas chamber," the corpses were brought to the furnace room:
> > "Four large mechanical freight elevators are in operation here. They pile the dead onto these, twenty, twenty-five to an elevator. An alarm bell informs the operator that it can ascend! The elevator stops at the cremation hall of the crematorium, where its massive doors open automatically. The towing Kommando is waiting for it there. Once again, loops go around the wrists of the dead."
> In reality, Crematoria II and III were equipped with only one elevator each that ran in a shaft of 2.76 m × 1.43 m.
> The presumed extermination of Jews from the Riga Ghetto is described in Chapter XXX of Nyiszli's book:
> > "[Dr. Mengele] has come from the Jews' ramp where he stood for hours in the pouring rain and selected the inhabitants of the Riga ghetto who have been brought here. But this was no selection, for all went to the left. The two functioning crematoria and the huge ditches of the pyres are filled with them."
> According to Danuta Czech, the sole Jewish transport from Riga to Auschwitz arrived on November 5, 1943! Of the 1,000 deportees on board, 120 men (registration numbers 160702-160821) and 30 women (66659-66688) were admitted to the camp, while the remaining 850 were allegedly "gassed" (Czech 1997, p. 519; 1989, p. 645).
> For Nyiszli, on the other hand, this presumed gassing took place on October 7 1944! The date is clear from a reference, in the narrative context, to "yesterday, October 6, 1944" (MBV, Chapter XXX). It follows, thus, that he was an "eyewitness" to a presumed event which is supposed to have happened some eleven months previously, before he was even at Birkenau!
We certainly do share more than one rabbit warren, henjin. I'm writing an article on Mathew Crawford & LARP Wars, citing you. I realize that in the attached article, he's mentioned as a research source and not a subject. After his reaction in the comments on my last article, I think the gloves (and the mask) are off:
Excellent Addendum. Someone should use AI to make a WWE Rumble Video. Who will be The Undertaker, Rick Flair etc. There was an AI illuminati spoof of Eyes wide shut with politicians but cannot find it!
DOR brothers
Tereza, you always bring the receipts. Thank you. I'm giving myself time to process this post & some of the commentary, especially about Meryl Nass & Robert Malone.
We know the real Sasha, it's funny that on her X profile she states she's not associated with any organization - 🤣- she's toxic! I just watched a interview where she laughs at Susan Wojcicki's death. Susan wasn't a dictator who murdered people, she was a mother who suffered from a horrible disease and who lost a child to a drug overdose.
I've rewatched the videos you've linked - I'm now absorbing new data that I had previously missed. Your research is outstanding and you present it in a classy, no judgemental way (unlike me😂😂).
I didn't get to see any comments from Sasha on this post since she blocked me on Substack, but I can imagine the hatred.
I've been working on another post about the overdose deaths that occurred during Covid19 and that are being dismissed by some "leaders" - we've lost hundreds of thousands young Americans. It's horrible. Very emotional issue.
Thanks for always keeping it real and classy😉
Thank you so much, Vilma! I still wonder if Susan's cancer was like Kate Middleton's. I'm suspicious about what's going on behind the scenes in that occult world that Susan was part of. Even the drug OD makes me wonder. And those other ones too. Part of the plan?
Sasha only posted a couple lines about how Mark was insane. Pretty mild for her. But it's eerie how quick she is to notice her name being posted anywhere. I was the second comment so she was quick. Only someone with good intel can be that up on things, imo.
That’s a good point. How did she notice her name on this Substack? Does she coincidentally subscribe to it or does someone alert her?
I also saw one of her recent notes about Mathew Crawford blocking her and then she went on to make fun of his fragile ego.
Yes, Sasha was immediately onto my article about her and on Vilma's comment thread. I know she doesn't sub us. There's some high-level alert program. And maybe an insult bot that gets unleashed, who knows?
That's interesting that Mathew blocked her. When I did my article on her, they had just met in Las Vegas where he interviewed her. I asked him his reaction to her comments on my post, and whether that matched the persona he'd met. He responded with an odd confession about telling her a little white lie, and whether they agreed on self-driving cars. Has he come out with any sort of public statement about her? Why did he block her?
hold on, you need other people to destroy Malone's reputation? hahaha you can't be serious
Ditto. Malone is the joke that keeps on giving.
You have really lost the plot now Housatonic 😀
Wow, Mark.....excellent sleuthing, as usual..... the truth is there and is making many very uncomfortable..... your service to humanity is much appreciated.
OMG, I am wet inside for all of humanity. We thank you SO MUCH!
Sasha, that’s so inappropriate & unprofessional. You are discrediting yourself.
hello? I am waiting for your answer. Why am I required to be "professional" with cunts like Mark here?
Monica, are you ok? Why am I supposed to be "appropriate and professional" with shitstains on the internet? Please answer, I am waiting.
Mark is one of a kind.... we are so blessed.... :)
Thank the Lord for that
yes, Lord is awesome. He made so many varieties of cunts... like Mark here... and many others.
Mark is a total menace and it's good that he never got a lot of traction in social media. Sasha doesn't need my endorsement but I've worked for there for the last four years and I'm proud to know her. She's a great Patriot and does amazing work
Pandemic cannot be discussed without mentioning the 2017 World Bank Pandemic Emergency Financing facility document - read headline and skip down to pages 40+ for definition of events - $225m for every 2500 dead by coronavirus on paper -
Nah, it was Cia / mossad joint venture. Nice try though...
The account which posted Latypova's video in your screenshot was naticoineth, which posts tweets from the same pool as other IlluminatiCoin bots like iluminatibot, redpillb0t, thehealthb0t, and ufob0t: There's also accounts which post tweets from the same pool even though they portray real people, like ProfaCoruja, VMastery, imhyali, and Fisica_Geral, so I suspect the network of bot accounts extends further than just the couple of accounts that are overtly presented as bots.
IlluminatiCoin's Linktree page has a link to blog posts written by someone called Operation Q, who was one of the authors at a Qtard blog called Humorous Mathematics: The podcast of the blog had only a couple of episodes with a guest, but in one of the episodes the guest was a former CIA officer called Brandon Blackburn.
I have identified a network of bot accounts that post similar content as the IlluminatiCoin bots and that repost the IlluminatiCoin bots. Many of them seem to promote Latypova, and I have often also seen Latypova being promoted by Miles Guo's bots: When I counted how many times different accounts were reposted by accounts which I suspected to be bots and I divided the reposts by the number of followers of each account, the fifth highest ranking account was SenseReceptor, which has posted a large number of video clips of Latypova: SenseReceptor often promotes content related to Stew Peters Network, but I believe Latypova did her alt media debut in January 2022 when she appeared on Stew's show as a representative of Team Enigma. A day earlier a presentation of Team Enigma's findings was done by Mike Yeadon on Reiner Foolmich's committee, but Yeadon is also linked to Pfizer like Latypova and he's heavily promoted by these bot accounts.
There were 5 tweets returned when I searched for `lang:ko latypova`: Two of them quoted one of her video clips that was posted by SenseReceptor and two of them quoted a video she did with Epoch Times that was posted by Vigilant Fox. Two of the tweets were posted by Raelian Amor, which is a bot that promotes the Raelian UFO cult in Korean.
All tweets were posted by accounts that seem like bots. One of them called Radiation_Ages has its location set as Germany and it tweets in a mixture of Korean, German, and English. And one of them called Hanaro718 had its location set as USA and it tweeted in Korean and English. It's very common for bots that promote western conspiracy content in East Asian languages to tweet in multiple different languages, and they often also portray people from East Asia who live in the west or vice versa. The earliest tweets by Hanaro718 all linked to articles on Miles Guo's news site.
Raelianism has a lot of similarities with Falun Gong, including the use of a swastika in their emblem. Falun Gong's leader Li Hongzhi declared himself as the Lord Buddha of the Universe who was many times higher than Buddha and Jesus. Rael claimed that there were numerous planets that were populated by humanoid beings, but the most advanced was populated beings called Elohim who created humans, and he was chosen to be the messenger of Yahweh who was the leader of the Elohim.
I have also found a bot on Twitter whose primary purpose used to be to promote Raelianism for many years, but which has now turned into an Elon Musk fan bot:
The account of Maitreya Rael also seems to also be a bot, because almost all of its tweets are either links or retweets. One time Rael posted a link to an article by Vigilant News with the text "Check up this awesome contentDr. Peter McCullough Gives Expert Testimony on the Safety and Efficacy of the COVID-19 Vaccines": Similar tweets which said "check up" and where the words "content" and "Dr." were joined together were posted by a large number of other bots that promoted articles by Vigilant News.
Vigilant Fox is the editor in chief of Vigilant News Network which was founded by Wellness Company's cofounder Foster Coulson.
The bio of Wellness Company's other cofounder says: "David Lopez served as a U.S. Navy SEAL and is a Subject Matter Expert (SME) on Tactical Operations, Classified Global Counter-Terrorism Operations/Terrorist Countermeasures, Protection, Security and Close Quarter Combat (CQC) tactics. Mr. Lopez has a tremendous depth of experience in these areas and has highly specialized training in support of classified intelligence operations." ( TWC's chief marketing officer used to be Chris Alexander, whose LinkedIn page says that he has "successfully secured over 300 million dollars in contracts for Information Operations, PSYOP, and intelligence support", that he is a "recognized as a leader in disinformation, misinformation, and counter-propaganda campaigns", and that he "earned acceptance into the first-ever Army Information Operations unit" (ibid.).
In a blog post in 2023, David Martin wrote: "David Lopez left an indelible mark on this year. Through his fraternity and generosity, my life was enriched in every dimension. His passion for distributing the important public messages I had to share amplified the great contributions of Mikki Willis, the late Dr. Zev Zelenko, and countless others expanding the reach of conversations with Seth Holehouse, Tommy Robinson, Russell Brand, and the appearances at the EU Parliament (organized by the ICS) and the UK Parliament (at the invitation of John Bowe and MP Andrew Bridgen). His brother Daniel recalibrated my social media reach on X and other platforms. In business, he facilitated the invaluable connection to global luminaries like Robbie Lavia, Ahmed Bin Sulayem, John Eleoterio, Tom Williams, Ernie Lee, Xavier Adsera, and many more. Above all, David stood shoulder-to-shoulder in every moment of the year affording me what few in life ever experience – fidelity above and beyond duty." (
I wonder if Latypova got a same kind of a deal to amplify her social media reach and to travel around the world as Dr. Bowtie? When I searched Twitter for `lang:ko "David Martin"`, there were multiple tweets posted by the accounts Raelian Amor and Hanaro718 which also promoted Latypova, and there were also 4 tweets which quoted videos of David Martin posted by Vigilant Fox.
I believe she is a psychopath. I had an experience with her.
Follow Sabrina Wallace on Psienergy
Mark, It looks like you're probably on target, she's resorted to name calling and sarcasm. Your work has validated countless propaganda lies.
Of course he is on target! Where did you see sarcasm? I am totally serious.
save your BS for someone else, once again you're validating Mark...
OMG that's such a devastating comeback!! LMAO. I mean I said Mark is totally correct. I did 9/11. Why do you think I am sarcastic when I agree with him?
Well, that was bizarre ! As an Oregonian raised in Manhattan, but with too much professional legal experience with Connecticut, I can attest that it’s a catastrophic psyOp, never better than “hollow … filled with straw” and always gobsmackingly banal. A tragedy 🎭.
Just the capital Right?
Military operation, check. Using Military personnel as guinea pig's, I resemble that remark. I was there in 76: "All y'all gonna take the shot". Here's the dirty little secret, next day about 100 guys wound up in sic bay but I was unharmed because I did something genius without knowing at the time, after all I was 18 and didn't know shit, but I faked it just like the head doctor in Huston Texas in charge of the largest doctor co-op in America telling his number one most popular doctor pleading with please no more, I'm already injured to which he said: "No problem we can just fake it".
Which shot did you fake? Our Military are pin cushions & guinea pigs for big pharma and Monsanto.
When joining the Military, Americans are surrendering their bodies to the US Government. I have no idea what they injected into my husband when he was active in the Military.