This was covered in detail in 2022 in the following videos. The videos were cleaned up and reposted in November 2024.
I am available to offer my experience and assessment to any political officers or lawyers who can use them.
FYI - Evidence is available that shows Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Darrell Ricke (current collaborator of Dr. Jessica Rose) were working on a SARSCOV2 antibody dependent enhancement whitepaper in 2019.
Ep 181.1 (v2)

Bitchute :
Stream.GigaOhm.Bio :
Nothing screams hoax like a random McCairn comment. That guy's a trip.
Have you looked at this Rothschild descendant's contribution to mRNA?
At time 21:53 in the part two video, you said: "There was no way to look at all the excess deaths in the United States relative to what their baseline supposedly was, and have that not include the drug overdoses." However I demonstrated one obvious way to do it here: I first calculated excess deaths from all causes relative to the pre-COVID trend, and then I subtracted excess deaths with underlying cause drug overdose relative to the pre-COVID trend. Drug deaths accounted for about 3% of all excess deaths in 2020, 4% in 2021, and 6% in 2022.
You have also been saying that the only reason why the US life expectancy has gone down since 2020 are deaths from drug overdoses. However based on my calculation the US life expectancy dropped for about 2.4 years between 2019 and 2021, but drug overdose deaths accounted for only about 12% of the reduction in life expectancy: The way I calculated the percentage accounted by drug overdose deaths was that I replaced the number of drug overdose deaths for each age in 2021 with the number of deaths for the same age in 2019.
In the part two video you also brought up the paper from 2019 by Sina Bavari and Baric's postdoc student Alison Totura: However I think you have been mischaracterizing the paper, because in another video where you discussed the paper in more detail, you said: "We should see that Ralph Baric's last postdoc student actually co-authored a document called 'Broad-spectrum coronavirus antiviral drug discovery', which was published in early 2019, which actually says very specifically that GS-5734 from Gilead - Remdesivir - is the most likely thing to work against a novel coronavirus that causes a global pandemic spilling out of Asia, probably China via a wet market after jumping off of a bat or camel. This document is the smoking gun of the entire pandemic." [, time 4:27]
However the paper doesn't say anything about a pandemic emerging in Asia or likely China. The only part of the paper which even mentions China is a sentence which says that "SARS-CoV emerged in the Guangdong province of southeastern China in late 2002". And the paper doesn't mention anything about wet markets apart from saying that "SARS-CoV was detected in small animals like civets and raccoon dogs that were present in live-animal markets". And the paper doesn't say that there would be a global pandemic caused by a coronavirus that came from a bat or camel, but it just described the official story about the origins of SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV.
The paper was about an antiviral drug that was proposed as a treatment for emerging betacoronaviruses in humans, so it made sense for the authors to provide an overview of previous human epidemics that were caused by a betacoronavirus. And just because the official story about the origins of SARS-CoV-2 shared some features in common with the official story about the origins of SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, and because the authors of the paper described the official story about the origins of SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, it doesn't mean that the authors were able to predict the COVID pandemic.
People often also say that the virus in the Event 201 scenario came from China or that it originated on a wet market, even though actually it originated on pig farms in Brazil. Or people say that the virus in the Lock Step scenario was a coronavirus or that it originated in China, even though actually it was an influenza virus and its country of origin was not specified.